Жизнь - это апельсин
Практически целиком снятые на пленку две сцены из спектакля "Человек-слон" с Дэвидом Боуи.
Источник: davidbowienews.com/2016/03/the-elephant-man-cli...

David Bowie performs in the play The Elephant Man. These scenes broadcast on Australian TV program "Rage" on 15 January 2016 as part of a tribute to David Bowie. RIP.

Performances †
• 29 July - 3 August 1980 Denver Centre of Performing Arts.
• 5 August 1980 - 31 August 1980 Blackstone Theatre, Chicago.
• 23 September 1980 - 3 January 1981 The Booth Theatre, 222 W. 45th St, New York


@темы: Дэвид Боуи